A place for to host stories,tales,narrations,poetry...mainly fanfictional(but also original fictions),focused onto the slash-yaoi style....but always with a fine good taste.
They will be welcome stories written originally and also the ones that have been translated.
Languages currently employed:English,Spanish,Italian,Portuguese,French,Germa
n.Pictures,photographies,videos,music...are also welcome!
IMPORTANT:Since this is a slash-yaoi site,its content is not appropriate for underages.
Welcome to the artists and writers!!!

sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2012


.......................................................................................................................................................................I I should not say that ,but my life has been difficult.Since I was born,I had practically no family:my mother suffered of a sort of strange type of  insanity:the pregnancy and my birth increased the disease to the point that made our daily  life at home absolutely impossible, and unbearable.
My father,.a business man with no guts nor heart,and scarce brain,put her in an asilum,where I was able to go for  to visit her only once in a month.
My mother had been a painter,writer,musician..a cultured  lady,,,beautiful…intelligent.I already cannot understand how it was possible that she could marry a  so coarse man!
I grew up  almost alone:the books,the one thousand books my mother had left at home, were my sole companions.
My father broke,and we became so poor,that,sometimes,I used to go to bed with an empty stomach..but always with a fulfilled soul.Every word,every line of each one of the poets I frequently read ,approached my spirit to my  mother’s one.
We had no money for to complete my education,overall due to the fact that I was “diagnosed” as a prodige,and that condition required a very special attention.
I was seven,and I already knew all the classical authors,being capable  to read them in Greek and Latin(I learned both  the classical languages by myself,with a dictionary,a pen and a copybook).And more:I had memorised,complete,the theatre of Aeschylus,Sophocles  and Eurypides,the Homer’s Iliad and Odyssea,Hesiod,Titus Livius,Cicero,Plato,Lucretius,Aristotle,Saint Augustine…
The pure and sincere joy I found in those works was,however,annihilated by the presence of that coarse ignorant man,.a true illiterate,violent,woomaniser,prone to gambling, and abusive.
One day,he said me he had obtained a scholarship for me:we should move to Berkeley,California.
The arrival to that universitary town was disastrous:the other pupils abused me,I might suffer the bad treatments and the depreciating attitudes not only from them,,but also from my teachers and professors.
I suffered a lot,being only twelve years old,with their customary violence and ignorance.
For the worst,I was unable to practice any type of sport.And this is a stain that,in the American universities,has no place  for  any kind of forgiveness.
I had only a friend,a talented,very talented boy whom,finally,left Berkeley for to go to Juilliard:he was an accomplished,exquisite musician.I almost fell in love,but I was so scared,so afraid of his rejection!Thus,I never said a word.
Once,one day(one cursed damned day!)a prestigious scholar arrived.He was not a common scholar,but a man whom combined his daily task as a teacher with some strange kind of activity that awoke my interest.
I went to his daily lectures,and got  more enthousiastic  every day.
Tantalized by his words,charmed by his promises,I followed that man with all my soul,and  put upon him all my terrible need of affection.
The man was witty and machiavelic:very astute,he obtained my promise of to work with him in the future.
He left Berkely,.but kept writing to me,almost every day.
The phrases were every day more strange,more secretive,like if he were attempting to hide something that should be kept only between us.
Several years later,I worked at his side,following him as I had done since the first day.
I curse myself for that,I never will be satisfied of to curse myself for to have done that!
He taught me how to kill;how to torture;how to disembowel spiritually someone whom could be supposedly guilty of something.
Peace became unattainable for me.
But this is not enough:that man took my innocence in a treacherous way.Like in the endless chess games we used to have.Always the same,.I,with the white ones…He,with the black ones,counterattacking,pursuiving me,enclosing my pure being in a hideous mud of manure.My world became a dunghill.
After all that execration,that man betrayed me…twice….no…three times!!,
if I must count also that day, when he left  me in a situation that exceeds any imagination,with a monster whom attached me to the worst nightmare.
I killed the monster,but not the nightmare.Because the true nightmare  was the man whom claimed to be my “paternal relief and mentor”!
Finally,he abandoned me definitively(or so I hope,and,being not a religious person,I assure you that I even have prayed for that!),carrying on me all the bitterness,all the spiritual disease,all the feeling of an useless,nonsensical life.
I was  reluctant to give myself in a relationship:but the necessities of my flesh,that the cursed man had awaken earlier in a so perverse way,betrayed me once more.
One day… night,after a hard work in a desolated and gelid place,I offered myself to my young boss.He appeared to me like a serious man,severe,almost spartan.,but already capable of to feel some kind of tenderness.
We began to go out,of course,in the most deep secret:the man was married,he had a son,and,for the worst,he was  into a  process of divorce.
He brought  me silence , a sort of strange peace,and some security:understand me,it was not only  for the sex!
It was an attempt to kill my terrible loneliness,my infinite solitude!
The man never asked anything.And he never knew what had happened between our”egregious” former supervisor   and I.
But,as all of this were not enough,one day,being in our new counselor’s mansion for to have dinner(supposedly with all the team,that never ,never arrived,however!),the”respectable doctor,writer and professor ”  seduced me,carrying  me  finally to his bed.Evidently,he already knew that had happened with me and  his antecessor!
And he knew,of course,about my relationship with the boss.I knew I should shut my mouth and stay easy…but..God,God!!!I was  tired!I am still  so tired!!!!!So tired of this fatality that ties my destiny to destruction and pain!
Oh..please.please…I ‘m sorry!!!
I’m sorry,Sir,I never wanted to scare  you with….
Please,please,do not disappear..I’m afraid of to have provoked  your rejection towards me…Please,please….Do not disappear,do not abandon me!!!
Oh,I am maddening….

From F. to S:
My dear,my angel,my sole light:

I have clenched my fists as never before.
I was imagining that a continuous sorrow was making you suffer,since angels must smile all the time,and your face reveals a profound grief,so profound, that I can foresee the ocean of your tears falling down.Tears that I,unfortunately,cannot shad.
My teeth are biting every word you wrote to me,and I assure you that I would devour flesh and bones of all those ones whom have harmed your divine being.
How can people do this to you,to an angel,to an innocent piece of heaven fallen among us for to become an universal blessing?
Let apart my person:I was born as a curse myself.But you,a young lad whom incarnates all the talents and beauty should not have been used as a piece of rag by these execrable individuals!
No,Envy cannot be so terrible,and,overall,it cannot always be able to win!!
They probably thought you were weak,due to your soft complexion:but they didn’t understand that heaven is ingravid,and that it produces only angels,pieces of beauty and purity that must be kept of any kind of pain!
Ah,if I c ould embrace you,and let your tears bliss my chest,giving a bit of life to this petrified soul of mine!
I,myself,was born,as I explained yet,from horror and disgrace.My parents were circus people.My mother(they said she was beautiful)worked as the écuyére,dancing on the horses,riding as an amazon,putting her life in risk with every race.
My father….or,better,the one whom put the seminal liquor inside my mother during  the cursed night of my sad conception,was a gypsy,specialist in to throw poniards,while my mother was riding the horses,launching them in the air,with an ability that was object of admiration.But he was a violent guy,a drunk,quarrelsome,cowdy subject,always angry with someone,due to his obsessive jealousy.
One day,he surprised my mother talking with a man:without say a word,he killed both of them,roughly,mercilessly…He was put in jail,and probably in an institution,after have been diagnosed of alcoholic madness.
I inherited the glare of his amberlike eyes,his tall figure….and my mother’s features…even if she was(they say,I never saw her,I was only two years old)beautiful as a simple flower,beautiful as the blossom that shows the light of spring.
I was adopted by a rich family:farmers,French origins:they had a large cottage that(I remember) smelled always like fine cheese.
But they did not adopted a son:they acquired a little slave!


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